Beryl-columbite pegmatite from Branná, Hrubý Jesenik Mnts., Northern Moravia (2003/1–2)Novák, M., Nepejchal, M., Škoda, R., Urbánek, B., 2003: Beryl-columbitový pegmatit z Branné, Hrubý Jeseník. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 88, 1–2, 113–122 (with English summary)
Beryl-columbite pegmatite from Branná, Hrubý Jesenik Mnts., Northern Moravia
Granitic pegmatite from Branná represents typical beryl-columbite pegmatite of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts. pegmatite field. Its internal structure, textural-paragenetic units and description of minerals are given.
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Accessory Nb, Ta, Ti-oxide minerals from a pegmatite at uranium mine Drahonín, Strážek Moldanubicum (2004/1–2)Škoda, R., Novák, , M., 2004: Akcesorické Nb-Ta-Ti minerály z pegmatitu v uranovém dole Drahonín, strážecké moldanubikum. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 89, 1–2, 55–66 (with English summary)
Accessory Nb, Ta, Ti-oxide minerals from a pegmatite at uranium mine Drahonín, Strážek Moldanubicum
Zoned granitic pegmatite from uranium mine Drahonín, Strážek Moldanubicum with muskovite, biotite, tourmaline and sekaninaite contains accessory Y+REE, Nb, Ta, Ti-oxide minerals. They…
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Desilicated pegmatite with OH-rich fluorapatite and niobian rutile from Utín near Havlíčkův Brod (2008/1–2)Cempírek, J., Strunga, V., Škoda, R., 2008: Desilikovaný pegmatit s OH-bohatým fluorapatitem a niobovým rutilem z Utína u Havlíčkova Brodu. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 93, 1–2, 81–89 (with English summary)
Desilicated pegmatite with OH-rich fluorapatite and niobian rutile from Utín near Havlíčkův Brod
Mineral assemblages of strongly desilicated granitic pegmatite at Utín near Havlíčkův Brod were examined. The pegmatite crosscuts a small serpentinite body. Prevailing mineral of the pegmatite…
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Mineral assemblages of the phosphate nodules from the granitic pegmatite at Cyrilov near Velké Meziříčí, Moldanubicum; part I-primary and exsolution phases (2007/1–2)Škoda, R., Staněk, J., Čopjaková, R., 2007: Minerální asociace fosfátových nodulí granitického pegmatitu od Cyrilova u Velkého Meziříčí, Moldanubikum; část I–primární a exsoluční fáze. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 92, 1–2, 59–74 (with English summary)
Mineral assemblages of the phosphate nodules from the granitic pegmatite at Cyrilov near Velké Meziříčí, Moldanubicum; part I-primary and exsolution phases
Granitic pegmatite near Cyrilov, the type locality of cyrilovite belongs to the beryl-columbite-phosphate subtype of the REL-Li…
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