Mineralogy, petrography and history of the classical lepidolite pegmatite occurrence in Rožná near Bystrice nad Pernštejnem, western Moravia; an overview (1998/1–2)Novák, M., Houzar, S., Pfeiferová, A., 1998: Přehled mineralogie, petrografie a historie klasické lokality lepidolitového pegmatitu v Rožné u Bystřice nad Pernštejnem, západní Morava. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 83, 1–2, 3–48 (with English summary)
Mineralogy, petrography and history of the classical lepidolite pegmatite occurrence in Rožná near Bystrice nad Pernštejnem, western Moravia; an overview
The Rožná pegmatite, a classical Moravian locality studied from the 18th century, is located in the north - easternmost part of the…
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Zlaté Hory in the Silesia – the largest ore district in the Jeseníky Mts., Czech Republic. Part 2: C. Geology D. Minerology E. Geochemistry of stable isotopes (2001/1–2)Fojt, B., Hladíková, J., Kalenda, F., 2001: Zlaté Hory ve Slezsku – největší rudní revír v Jeseníkách. Část 2.: C. Geologie D. Mineralogie E. Geochemie stabilních izotopů. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 86, 1–2, 3–58 (with English summary)
Zlaté Hory in the Silesia - the largest ore district in the Jeseníky Mts., Czech Republic. Part 2: C. Geology D. Minerology E. Geochemistry of stable isotopes
C. The Zlaté Hory ore district is a part of the metamorphosed Devonian volcano-sedimentary complex which is situated on the southern…
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Nová Ves near Rýmařov – Pb-Zn ore deposit (Jeseníky Mts., Czech Republic) (2004/1–2)Fojt, B., Čermák, F., Ďurišová, J., Hladíková, J., Hoffman, V., Kopa, D., Trdlička, Z., Zeman, J., 2004: Nová Ves u Rýmařova – ložisko olověno-zinkových rud. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 89, 1–2, 3–44 (with English summary)
Nová Ves near Rýmařov - Pb-Zn ore deposit (Jeseníky Mts., Czech Republic)
Seven veins, a few veinlets and disseminated accumulations form the ore body in metamorphosed Devonian vulcanosediments near the village Nová Ves (Jeseníky Mts.). There were distinguished two mineralization stages…
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Paragenetic characterization of ferruginous concretions from the locality “Zukalův kopec” in the cadastral area of Mokrá-Horákov (2015/1)Fojt, B., Přichystal, A., 2015: Paragenetická charakteristika železitých konkrecí z lokality „Zukalův kopec“ na katastru obce Mokrá-Horákov. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 100, 1, 61–68 (with English summary)
Paragenetic characterization of ferruginous concretions from the locality “Zukalův kopec” in the cadastral area of Mokrá-Horákov
Origin of limonite concretions at the locality Zukalův kopec near the village of Mokrá-Horákov is connected with an intensive weathering of the specific…
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