The correlation between radioactivity and mineral composition: an example from alkali feldspar syenites; Gföhl unit, Moldanubian zone (1998/1–2)Leichmann, J., Štelcl, J., Zachovalová, K., 1998: Vztah radioactivity a minerálního složení horniny na příkladu alkalicko živcového syenitu od Naloučan z gföhlské jednotky moldanubika. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 83, 1-2, 73-84 (with Czech summary)
The correlation between radioactivity and mineral composition: an example from alkali feldspar syenites; Gföhl unit, Moldanubian zone
The leucocratic facies of the amphibol-bearing alkali feldspar syenites from Naloučany displays an extraordinary high content of radioactive elements - Th…
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