Paragenetic characterization of ferruginous concretions from the locality “Zukalův kopec” in the cadastral area of Mokrá-Horákov (2015/1)Fojt, B., Přichystal, A., 2015: Paragenetická charakteristika železitých konkrecí z lokality „Zukalův kopec“ na katastru obce Mokrá-Horákov. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 100, 1, 61–68 (with English summary)
Paragenetic characterization of ferruginous concretions from the locality “Zukalův kopec” in the cadastral area of Mokrá-Horákov
Origin of limonite concretions at the locality Zukalův kopec near the village of Mokrá-Horákov is connected with an intensive weathering of the specific…
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