The middle pleistocene sediments in northwestern part of Vidnava lowland (Paczków graben margin) – ground penetrating radar survey (2022/2)Hanáček, M., Procházková, B., Engel, Z., 2022: Sedimenty středního pleistocénu v severozápadní části Vidnavské nížiny (okraj Paczkówské kotliny) – georadarový výzkum. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 269–285 (with English summary)
The middle pleistocene sediments in northwestern part of Vidnava lowland (Paczków graben margin) – ground penetrating radar survey
The Vidnava Lowland in the northern Sudetic Foreland is characterized by extensive alluvial and fluvial sediments deposited during the Weichselian. Pre-Weichselian…
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Clast striation in context to glacier erosion in the mountain foothill zone of the continental glaciation (Middle Pleistocene, Rychleby Mountains, Rejvíz Highland) (2020/2)Hanáček, M., 2020: Rýhování klastů v kontextu ledovcové eroze podhorské zóny kontinentálního zalednění (střední pleistocén, Rychlebské hory, Rejvízská hornatina). – Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae geologicae, 105, 2, 237–250 (with English summary)
Clast striation in context to glacier erosion in the mountain foothill zone of the continental glaciation (Middle Pleistocene, Rychleby Mountains, Rejvíz Highland)
Only 3 % of gravel clasts (fraction 16–64 mm) and 8 % of boulders is striated and polished in glacigenic and glaciofluvial…
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