On historical exploration gallery in Mariánské údolí (Brno-Líšeň) (2013/2)Baldík, V., Bubík, M., Gilíková, H., Novotný, R., 2013: O historické průzkumné štole v Mariánském údolí v Brně-Líšni. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 98, 2, 149–154 (with English summary)
On historical exploration gallery in Mariánské údolí (Brno-Líšeň)
Historical exploration gallery in Brno-Líšeň was documented and measured in the framework of geological survey 1 : 25,000 of Brno township. According the local oral tradition, the gallery was digged 1844–45 in search…
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