Evolution of chemical composition of tourmaline from the peraluminous orthogneisses from Olešenka, NE Moldanubian unit (2019/2)Buriánek, D., Houzar, S., Buřivalová, L., 2019: Vývoj chemického složení turmalínu z peraluminické ortoruly z lokality Olešenka v severovýchodní části moldanubika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 104, 2, 169–178 (with English summary)
Evolution of chemical composition of tourmaline from the peraluminous orthogneisses from Olešenka, NE Moldanubian unit
Medium-grained porphyroclastic, garnet-biotite to biotite-muscovite orthogneiss with tourmaline from Olešenka consist of quartz, K-feldspar (P up to 0.02 apfu…
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