A review of wolframite mineralisation related to the Central Moldanubian pluton and orthogneiss bodies in Moldanubicum (2015/2)Losertová, L., 2015: Přehled wolframitové mineralizace vázané na centrální moldanubický pluton a na ortorulová tělesa v moldanubiku. - Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. geol., 100, 2, 45–67 (with English summary)
A review of wolframite mineralisation related to the Central Moldanubian pluton and orthogneiss bodies in Moldanubicum
Several Sn-W occurences were previously described in the Central Moldanubian pluton and its surroundings. This mineralisation occur in greisenized veins or quartz veins,…
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Hydrothermal silver-bearing Pb-Zn mineralization in Moldanubian Pluton near Dačice and Slavonice (2018/2)Hrazdil, V., Houzar, S., Víšková, E., 2018: Hydrotermální stříbronosná Pb-Zn mineralizace v moldanubickém plutonu v okolí Dačic a Slavonic. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 103, 2, 17–37 (with English summary)
Hydrothermal silver-bearing Pb-Zn mineralization in Moldanubian Pluton near Dačice and Slavonice
Small deposits of silver-bearing base-metal ores have been mined in the past along the eastern margin of Central Moldanubian Pluton, especially in the 16th century. However, their production…
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Molybdenite-pyrite ore mineralization in quartz veins and greisenized granite at Nová Bystřice near Jindřichův Hradec (2017/1–2)Hrazdil, V., Toman, J., 2017: Molybdenit-pyritové zrudnění v křemenných žilách a greisenizovaném granitu v okolí Nové Bystřice u Jindřichova Hradce. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 102, 1–2, 99–107 (with English summary)
Molybdenite-pyrite ore mineralization in quartz veins and greisenized granite at Nová Bystřice near Jindřichův Hradec
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