Minerals of the baryte-celestine series from the limestone quarry near Nectava (Nectava Crystalline Complex, Czech Republic) (2021/2)Dolníček, Z., Krejčí Kotlánová, M., 2021: Minerály řady baryt-celestin z vápencového lomu u Nectavy (nectavské krystalinikum, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 106, 2, 125–133 (with English summary)
Minerals of the baryte-celestine series from the limestone quarry near Nectava (Nectava Crystalline Complex, Czech Republic)
The second occurrence of celestine in Moravia, which was discovered in an abandoned limestone quarry near Nectava, is described in this contribution. The accessory…
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