Cathodoluminescence study, Petrography and Lithology of Marble in Moravicum (Bílý Potok Unit, Svratka Dome, Bohemian Massif) (2015/1)Houzar, S., Kršiaková, J., Leichmann, J., 2015: Studium katodoluminiscence, petrografie a litologie mramorů moravika (jednotka Bílého potoka, svratecká klenba, Český masiv). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 100, 1, 43–60 (with English summary)
Cathodoluminescence study, Petrography and Lithology of Marble in Moravicum (Bílý Potok Unit, Svratka Dome, Bohemian Massif)
The contact of the Bílý Potok and Bíteš Units (Svratka Dome, Moravo-Silesian Zone) is characterized by presence of marble in the highest lithostratigraphic part…
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