New data from paleontological research in the Barová Cave (Moravian Karst) (2021/2)Roblíčková, M., Plichta, A., Káňa, V., 2021: Nová data z paleontologického výzkumu v jeskyni Barové (Moravský kras). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 106, 2, 181–208 (with English summary)
New data from paleontological research in the Barová Cave (Moravian Karst)
The Barová Cave is located in the central part of the Moravian Karst on the right slope of the Josefovské Valley between the villages of Adamov, Olomučany, Habrůvka and Babice nad Svitavou. The cave is the outflow…
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