Element chemostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous in the vicinity of Letovice (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic) (2021/1)Riegl, J., Kumpan, T, 2021: Prvková chemostratigrafie křídy v okolí Letovic (česká křídová pánev, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 106, 1, 65–77 (with English summary)
Element chemostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous in the vicinity of Letovice (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic)
The study provides new data on a major and trace element composition of the Upper Cretaceous Peruc-Korycany and Bílá Hora formations belonging to the Orlice-Žďár…
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Mineralogy of glauconitic sandstone, wastes from its processing and glass sand from Dolní Lhota near Blansko (2020/2)Zimák, J., Reif, J., Krist, P., Musil, P., Šácha, D., Všianský, D., 2020: Mineralogie glaukonitického pískovce, odpadů z jeho úpravy a sklářského písku z Dolní Lhoty u Blanska. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 105, 2, 199–219 (with English summary)
Mineralogy of glauconitic sandstone, wastes from its processing and glass sand from Dolní Lhota near Blansko
In Dolní Lhota near Blansko (Czech Republic), the decaying sandstones of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, formerly used as a raw material for the production of foundry sand, are currently…
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Natural radioactivity of metamorphic and igneous rocks and pre-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks on the map sheet 14-41 Šumperk (2014/2)Zimák, J., 2014: Přirozená radioaktivita metamorfitů, magmatitů a předkenozoických sedimentů na mapovém listu 14-41 Šumperk. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 99, 2, 85–94 (with English summary).
Natural radioactivity of metamorphic and igneous rocks and pre-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks on the map sheet 14-41 Šumperk
The aim of the paper is to inform about natural radioactivity of metamorphic and igneous rocks and pre-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks on the map sheet 14-41 Šumperk. The…
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Natural radioactivity of metamorphic and igneous rocks and pre-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks on the map sheet 14-43 Mohelnice (2015/1)Zimák, J. 2015: Přirozená radioaktivita metamorfitů, magmatitů a předkenozoických sedimentů na mapovém listu 14-43 Mohelnice. Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 100, 1, 75–80 (with English summary)
Natural radioactivity of metamorphic and igneous rocks and pre-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks on the map sheet 14-43 Mohelnice
The aim of the paper is to inform about natural radioactivity of metamorphic and igneous rocks and pre-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks on the map sheet 14-43 Mohelnice. Metamorphic…
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