Mineralogy and formation conditions of the hydrothermal calcite-barite-chlorite mineralization from Adamov (Brno massif) (2005/1–2)Dolníček, Z., 2005: Mineralogie a podmínky vzniku hydrotermální kalcit-baryt-chloritové mineralizace od Adamova (brněnský masiv). - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 90, 1-2, 109-120 (with English summary)
Mineralogy and formation conditions of the hydrothermal calcite-barite-chlorite mineralization from Adamov (Brno massif)
Calcite-barite-chlorite mineralization from Adamov hosted by Neoproterozoic granodiorites of the Brno massif has been studied using EDX microanalyses, fluid inclusion microthermometry…
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Mineralogy and genesis of the epithermal veins from the quarry in Dolní Loučky near Tišnov (2003/1–2)Dolníček, Z., Malý, K., 2003: Mineralogie a geneze epitermálních žil z lomu v Dolních Loučkách u Tišnova. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 88, 1–2, 149–166 (with English summary)
Mineralogy and genesis of the epithermal veins from the quarry in Dolní Loučky near Tišnov
Epithermal veins in the quarry Dolní Loučky near Tišnov (about 20 km NW from Brno) hosted by Proterozoic metagranitoids were studied using various mineralogical techniques, including fluid inclusion…
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Mineralogy of the barite veins from Květnice Hill near Tišnov (2001/1–2)Dolníček, Z., 2001: Mineralogie barytových žil na Květnici u Tišnova. - Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 86, 1-2, 59-73 (with English summary)
Mineralogy of the barite veins from Květnice Hill near Tišnov
Results of the mineralogical research of hydrothermal vein barite mineralization from Květnice Hill near Tišnov (about 20 km NW from Brno) are given in this paper. New data on the mineral assemblage, mineral description, mineral…
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Hydrothermal mineralization in the quarry Dřínová near Tišnov (Czech Republic) (1997/1–2)Dolníček, Z., Buriánek, D., 1997: Hydrotermální mineralizace v lomu Dřínová u Tišnova. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 82, 1–2, 33–43 (with English summary)
Hydrothermal mineralization in the quarry Dřínová near Tišnov (Czech Republic)
In the quarry Dřínová were found two mineralization phases: older calcite-barite-fluorite, and younger aragonite one. Authors describe minerals, their evolution forms, the chemical composition and isotopic…
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Topography of historical mines and ore mineralizations in area of the Bílý potok, Western Moravia (2012/2)Houzar, S., Kocourková, E., Hrazdil, V., Toman, J., Cempírek, J., 2012: Topografie historického dolování a rudní mineralizace v oblasti Bílého potoka, západní Morava. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 97, 2, 3–45 (with English summary)
Topography of historical mines and ore mineralizations in area of the Bílý potok, Western Moravia
Remnants of historical mines for iron- and base-metal ores were re-investigated among villages Javůrek, Maršov, Svatoslav, Přibyslavice and Lesní Hluboké, in area 20 km NW from Brno (Czech…
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Limonitized quartzites with Fe-Mn-Ba-Co ore mineralization in Svratka Dome, Moravicum, south of Maršov near Tišnov (2013/2)Patočka, M., Leichmann, J., 2013: Limonitizované kvarcity s Fe-Mn-Ba-Co zrudněním ve svratecké klenbě moravika jižně od Maršova u Tišnova. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 98, 2, 115–140 (with English summary)
Limonitized quartzites with Fe-Mn-Ba-Co ore mineralization in Svratka Dome, Moravicum, south of Maršov near Tišnov
The presented iron-bearing quartzites with oxidic Fe-Mn-Ba-Co mineralisation are situated south of Maršov near Tišnov in crystalline complex of the Svratka Dome (Moravicum).…
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