Supergene minerals from Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu base-metal historical ore deposits at Českomoravská vrchovina Highlands, Czech Republic; A review (2019/1)Víšková, E., Houzar, S., Hrazdil, V., 2019: Přehled supergenních minerálů Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu z historických rudních ložisek na Českomoravské vrchovině. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 104, 1, 5–48 (with English summary)
Supergene minerals from Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu base-metal historical ore deposits at Českomoravská vrchovina Highlands, Czech Republic; A review
The work presents a brief characterization of the known oxidic minerals of the supergene zone, especially from Moldanubian Zone, Moravosilesian, Bohemian…
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Soil contamination in the area between Zastávka u Brna and Oslavany and their relationship to the exploitation of coal (2013/2)Buriánek, D., Pecina, V., Ivanov, M., 2013: Znečištění půd v oblasti mezi Zastávkou u Brna a Oslavany a jejich vztah k exploataci uhlí. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 98, 2, 69–82 (with English summary)
Soil contamination in the area between Zastávka u Brna and Oslavany and their relationship to the exploitation of coal
Relatively high concentrations of As (up to 47 ppm), Mo (up to 26 ppm), Hg (up to 1.4 ppm) and S (0.2 wt. %) were found based on the study of the chemical composition of…
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Arsenic supergene mineralisations and arsenic behaviour in waste dumps of base-metal deposit Dlouhá Ves near Havlíčkův Brod (Českomoravská vrchovina Highlands) (2014/1)Víšková, E., 2014: Arzenová supergenní mineralizace a chování arzenu na odvalech polymetalického ložiska Dlouhá Ves u Havlíčkova Brodu na Českomoravské vrchovině. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 99, 1, 31–56 (with English summary)
Arsenic supergene mineralisations and arsenic behaviour in waste dumps of base-metal deposit Dlouhá Ves near Havlíčkův Brod (Českomoravská vrchovina Highlands)
Arsenic-bearing mineralisation, represented by primary arsenopyrite-pyrite assemblage is typical for basemetal deposit at Českomoravská…
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