Osteological and morphological analysis of the scabbardfish Anenchelum glarisianum BLAINVILLE, 1818 (Trichiuridae) from the Menilitic Formation of the Moravian part of West Carpathians (Oligocene, Rupelian) (2010/1)Gregorová, R., 2010: Osteological and morphological analysis of the scabbardfish Anenchelum glarisianum BLAINVILLE, 1818 (Trichiuridae) from the Menilitic Formation of the Moravian part of West Carpathians (Oligocene, Rupelian). – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 1, 95, 141–149 (with Czech summary).
Osteological and morphological analysis of the scabbardfish Anenchelum glarisianum BLAINVILLE, 1818 (Trichiuridae) from the Menilitic Formation of the Moravian part of West Carpathians (Oligocene, Rupelian)
A detailed osteological and anatomical analysis of the abundant articulated and disarticulated…
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