Scorodite FeAsO₄·2H₂O from Jezdovice near Třešť
Article PDFScorodite FeAsO4·2H2O from Jezdovice near Třešť
In the Jezdovice area (Jihlava ore district) the silver ores were exploited from the mid- 13th century up to the 18th century. The locality is hosted by cordierite-biotite gneisses of Moldanubian zone. The deposit is formed by hydrothermal mineralization, including quartz veins with Fe-sphalerite, galena, pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. Scorodite was found on old dumps near Jezdovice-Práchovna. The mineral was identified by X-ray powder diffraction, refined unit-cell parameters of scorodite correspond to the published values. The occurrence of scorodite in Jezdovice is the first in the Jihlava mining district.
Eva Kocourková, Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, Moravian Museum, Zelný trh 6, 659 37 Brno, Czech Republic,
Vladimír Hrazdil, Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, Moravian Museum, Zelný trh 6, 659 37 Brno, Czech Republic,