- Article:Contribution to petrology and geochemistry of magmatite from Hlubočky – Mariánské Údolí (2024/2)Pek, T., 2024: Příspěvek k petrologii a geochemii magmatitu z Hluboček – Mariánského Údolí. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 197–212 (with English summary).Contribution to petrology and geochemistry of magmatite from Hlubočky – Mariánské Údolí This paper presents new information about petrology and geochemistry of lamprophyre dyke from Hlubočky – Mariánské Údolí near Olomouc. Correct petrographic classification of this rock is…Article PDF
- Article:Kurovice Klippe – the first Olistoplaque in Outer Western Carpathians in the Czech Republic (Rača Unit) or a Giant Folded Olistolith? (2024/2)Poul, I., 2024: Kurovické „bradlo“ – první prokázaná olistoplaka ve Vnějších Západních Karpatech na našem území (račanská jednotka) nebo obří zvrásněný olistolit? – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 259–274 (with English summary).Kurovice Klippe – the first Olistoplaque in Outer Western Carpathians in the Czech Republic (Rača Unit) or a Giant Folded Olistolith? Kurovice Klippe is part of the alochthonous, so-called outer klippen-zone of the Outer Western Carpathians in Moravia. Klippe, approximately 500 m long,…Article PDF
- Article:Use of ground-penetrating radar for exploration of abandoned mines (2024/2)Vaněček, D., 2024: Využití georadaru při průzkumu starých důlních děl. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 287–300 (with English summary)Use of ground-penetrating radar for exploration of abandoned mines Abandoned mine workings are a specific geohazard that can have a negative impact on the stability of the surface. In order to ensure safe constructional, agricultural, and other land use, it is important to precisely determine…Article PDF
- Article:Neustädtelite from Moldava, Krušné hory Mountains (Czech Republic) (2024/2)Sejkora, J., 2024: Neustädtelit z Moldavy v Krušných horách (Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 185–196 (with English summary).Neustädtelite from Moldava, Krušné hory Mountains (Czech Republic) A rare mineral neustädtelite, Bi2Fe3+Fe3+O2(OH)2(AsO4)2, was found in material from the mine dump of now abandoned Moldava fluorite deposit,…Article PDF
- Article:Revision of the occurrence of vanadium-rich fissure phosphates at Medkovy Kopce near Hlinsko, Czech Republic (2024/2)Vrtiška, L., Malíková, R., Dolníček, Z., 2024: Revize výskytu vanadem bohatých puklinových fosfátů na lokalitě Medkovy Kopce u Hlinska, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 145–163 (with English summary)Revision of the occurrence of vanadium-rich fissure phosphates at Medkovy Kopce near Hlinsko, Czech Republic During the research of secondary fissure phosphates of the Bohemian Massif, the historically mentioned localities in the vicinity of Hlinsko were newly investigated. This paper further…Article PDF
- Article:Sedimentological study of the Quaternary deposits at the locality “Pod Královým stolcem” (National park Podyjí/Thayatal) (2024/2)Nehyba, S., Kirchner, K., Kuda, F., 2024: Sedimentologické stadium kvartérních sedimentů lokality „Pod Královým stolcem“ (Národní park Podyjí/Thayatal). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 235–257 (with English summary)Sedimentological study of the Quaternary deposits at the locality “Pod Královým stolcem” (National park Podyjí/Thayatal) Sedimentological study of the deposits at the locality “Pod Královým stolcem” (National Park Podyjí/Thayatal) provides data about the evolution of the deposits…Article PDF
- Article:Surface depresssions above the exploration area of the mined lignite deposit Ivanka in Hovorany, Moravia, Czech Republic (2024/2)Krejčí, O., Krejčí, V., Tomanová Petrová, P., 2024: Povrchové deprese nad dobývacím prostorem vytěženého ložiska lignitu Ivanka v Hovoranech, Morava, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 275–286 (with English summary).Surface depresssions above the exploration area of the mined lignite deposit Ivanka in Hovorany, Moravia, Czech Republic Based on the analysis of the DMR5G digital model of relief and historical aerial orthophotos, a total of 157 depression structures were identified above the excavated mining…Article PDF
- Article:Basal Balinka Conglomerates in the southern part of the Boskovice Basin between Moravský Krumlov and Veverská Bítýška: correlation lithostratigraphic horizon? (2024/2)Hršelová, P., † Houzar, S., Buriánek, D., Štelcl, J., 2024: Bazální balinské slepence v jižní části boskovické pánve mezi Moravským Krumlovem a Veverskou Bítýškou: korelační litostratigrafický horizont? – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 213–233 (with English summary).Upper Carboniferous Balinka conglomerates were deposited along the western limb of the Boskovice Basin (eastern part of the Bohemian Massif). They may be locally developed as breccias along its base, tran sitioning into predominant conglomerates and passing gradually into the overlying medium- to fine-grained…Article PDF
- Article:Acicular apatite and associated rock-forming minerals from the basalt quarry Bílčice in the Nízký Jeseník Upland (Czech Republic) (2024/2)Dolníček, Z., Ulmanová, J., Krejčí Kotlánová, M., Koutňák, R., 2024: Jehlicovitý apatit a doprovodné horninové minerály z čedičového lomu Bílčice v Nízkém Jeseníku (Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 2, 165–183 (with English summary).Acicular apatite and associated rock-forming minerals from the basalt quarry Bílčice in the Nízký Jeseník Upland (Czech Republic) Rich drusy coatings of acicular apatite, with needles up to 1.5 cm long, were recently found in vesicular cavities of the Pleistocene alkaline lavas in the…Article PDF
- Article:Lower Cretaceous belemnite associations from the Rychaltice locality and the disintegration of the Baška Ridge (the Silesian Unit, Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic) (2024/1)Vašíček, Z., 2024: Lower Cretaceous belemnite associations from the Rychaltice locality and the disintegration of the Baška Ridge (the Silesian Unit, Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 1, 125–140 (with Czech summary).Lower Cretaceous belemnite associations from the Rychaltice locality and the disintegration of the Baška Ridge (the Silesian Unit, Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic) An approximately 200 m long road-cut near the village of Rychaltice uncovered the exposure with Lower Cretaceous sedimentary…Article PDF
- Article:Chlorites as metamorphic indicators of carbonate and pelitic rocks of the Bôrka nappe at the locality Slavoška (Slovak Republic) (2024/1)Ružička, P., 2024: Chlority ako indikátory metamorfózy karbonátových a pelitických hornín príkrovu Bôrky na lokalite Slavoška (Slovenská republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 1, 83–98 (with English summary)Chlorites as metamorphic indicators of carbonate and pelitic rocks of the Bôrka nappe at the locality Slavoška (Slovak Republic) Based on chemical composition of chlorites in marble and in phyllite from the locality Slavoška within the Bôrka Nappe, the tem pe rature conditions of regional…Article PDF
- Article:Supergene sulfate association from the Konstantin Quarry near Velké Vrbno (Moravia, Czech Republic) (2024/1)Matýsek, D., Jirásek, J., Pek, T., 2024: Asociace supergenních sulfátů z lomu Konstantin u Velkého Vrbna (Morava, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 1, 37–50 (with English summary)Supergene sulfate association from the Konstantin Quarry near Velké Vrbno (Moravia, Czech Republic) Konstantin Quarry, extracting graphite from 1977 until 2009, is situated on the outcrop of the graphite seams of the Velké Vrbno Unit, with uncertain Devonian age. The rock series includes…Article PDF
- Article:Hydrothermal sulfide mineralization from Skalka in the Havlíčkův Brod ore district (Czech Republic) (2024/1)Pauliš, P., Kopecký, S., Dolníček, Z., Sejkora, J., 2024: Hydrotermální sulfidická mineralizace ze Skalky v havlíčkobrodském rudním revíru (Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 1, 3–35 (with English summary)Hydrothermal sulfide mineralization from Skalka in the Havlíčkův Brod ore district (Czech Republic) In the central part of the Havlíčkův Brod ore district, the remains of historical mining were discovered near the Skalka hill (463 m a.s.l.), 2.4 km SSE of the centre of Havlíčkův…Article PDF
- Article:Mordenite from Teschenite Association Rocks in Beskydy Piedmont area (Moravia, Czech Republic) (2024/1)Matýsek, D., Jirásek, J., Pour, O., 2024: Mordenit z hornin těšínitové asociace v Podbeskydí (Morava, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 1, 71–82 (with English summary)Mordenite from Teschenite Association Rocks in Beskydy Piedmont area (Moravia, Czech Republic) Teschenite Association Rocks, Early Cretaceous igneous rocks bound to the Silesian Unit of the flysch Outer Carpathians, are typical for the zeolites in the fissures, amygdaloid cavities, rock matrix,…Article PDF
- Article:Mineralogy of the Cu-mineralization from the quarry Podhůra near Lipník nad Bečvou (Moravo-Silesian Culm, Czech Republic) (2024/1)Dolníček, Z., Kotlánová, K., M., Koutňák, R., Ulmanová, J., 2024: Mineralogická charakteristika Cu-mineralizace z lomu Podhůra u Lipníka nad Bečvou (moravskoslezský kulm, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 1, 51–69 (with English summary)Mineralogy of the Cu-mineralization from the quarry Podhůra near Lipník nad Bečvou (Moravo-Silesian Culm, Czech Republic) A mineralogical study of newly collected samples of Cu-mineralization from the quarry Podhůra (Czech Republic) revealed an extraordinary rich mineral assemblage bound…Article PDF
- Article:Heavy minerals from moldavite-bearing sediments in the vicinity of Vrábče: paleogeographic implications (2024/1)Buriánek, D., Karmazin, J., 2024: Těžké minerály z vltavínonosných sedimentů v okolí Vrábče: implikace pro paleogeografii. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 109, 1, 99–124 (with English summary)Heavy minerals from moldavite-bearing sediments in the vicinity of Vrábče: paleogeographic implications The area of Southern Bohemia in vicinity of the Budějovice Basin is known for the occurrence of moldavites. This study provides sedimentological and mineralogical descriptions of the…Article PDF
- Article:Isolated fish scales (Teleostei) from the Paleogene and Neogene sediments of the Central Paratethys (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic) (2023/2)Gregorová, R., 2023: Isolated fish scales (Teleostei) from the Paleogene and Neogene sediments of the Central Paratethys (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 2, 283–308 (with Czech summary).Isolated fish scales (Teleostei) from the Paleogene and Neogene sediments of the Central Paratethys (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic) Isolated scales and parts of the squamation were analyzed from the Paleogene and Neogene sediments of the Central Paratethys (Oligocene to Miocene, Czech Republic,…Article PDF
- Article:The Stříbrné Hory conglomerates in the Moldanubicum (Early Permian, Czech Republic) – overview (2023/2)Juráček, J., 2023: Stříbrnohorské slepence v moldanubiku (spodní perm, Česká republika) – přehled výzkumů. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 2, 269–281 (with English summary).The Stříbrné Hory conglomerates in the Moldanubicum (Early Permian, Czech Republic) – overview The aim of the paper is to give an overview of the research focused on the conglomerates from the Moldanubicum in the area of the Stříbrné Hory village (Czech Republic). The conglomerates…Article PDF
- Article:Radioactivity and chemistry of granitoids in the eastern part of the Lugicum (Czech Republic) (2023/2)Zimák, J., 2023: Radioaktivita a chemismus granitoidů ve východní části lugika (Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 2, 243–268 (with English summary).Radioactivity and chemistry of granitoids in the eastern part of the Lugicum (Czech Republic) Two petrographically different types of granitoid bodies cropout in the eastern part of the Lugicum in the territory of the Czech Republic. The first type is represented by small granite or granodiorite…Article PDF
- Article:Characteristics of the chemical composition of tourmalines from phyllites near Štítnik (Slovak Republic) (2023/2)Ružička, P., 2023: Charakteristika chemického zloženia turmalínov z fylitov v okolí Štítnika (Slovenská republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 2, 225–242 (with English summary).Characteristics of the chemical composition of tourmalines from phyllites near Štítnik (Slovak Republic) The zonal metamorphic tourmalines with detrital cores were identified in the phyllites near Štítnik (Bôrka Nappe, Western Carpathians). The younger metamorphic tourmalines of dravite…Article PDF
- Article:Orthoserpierite from Cínovec, Krušné hory mountains (Czech Republic) (2023/2)Sejkora, J., Pauliš, P., Pour, O., Dvořák, Z., Dolníček, Z., 2023: Ortoserpierit z Cínovce v Krušných horách (Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 2, 213–224 (with English summary)Orthoserpierite from Cínovec, Krušné hory mountains (Czech Republic) A rare mineral orthoserpierite, Ca(Cu,Zn)4(SO4)2(OH)6·3H2O, was found in rock material from the third level of an abandoned Cínovec mine 1 of the Cínovec Sn-W…Article PDF
- Article:Calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite from Teschenite Association Rocks in the Beskydy Piedmont area (2023/2)Jirásek, J., Matýsek, D., Novosad, B., 2023: Pseudomorfózy kalcitu po aragonitu z hornin těšínitové asociace v Podbeskydí. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 2, 195–212 (with English summary)Calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite from Teschenite Association Rocks in the Beskydy Piedmont area The occurrence of prismatic hexagonal calcite crystals is known from the Beskydy Piedmont area since 1852. Radial aggregates of such material, enclosed in the green clay mineral, reached the…Article PDF
- Article:Zeolites from the Bernartice quarry near Zruč nad Sázavou (Czech Republic) (2023/2)Sejkora, J., Pauliš, P., Dolníček, Z., Plášil, J., Škoda, R., 2023: Zeolity z lomu Bernartice u Zruče nad Sázavou (Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 2, 171–193 (with English summary)Zeolites from the Bernartice quarry near Zruč nad Sázavou (Czech Republic) An unusual zeolite mineralization was found in fissures and cavities of oligoclasite pegmatite hosted in serpentinite rocks in the active Bernartice quarry, 7 km S from Zruč nad Sázavou, central Bohemia, Czech…Article PDF
- Article:Mineralogy of molybdenite-bearing quartz vein from Pohled quarry, Havlíčkův Brod Ore District (Czech Republic) (2023/2)Dolníček, Z., Ulmanová, J., Malý, K., † Havlíček, J., Krejčí Kotlánová, M., Koutňák, R., 2023: Mineralogická charakteristika žilné křemenné mineralizace s molybdenitem z lomu Pohled, havlíčkobrodský rudní revír (Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 2, 145–170 (with English summary).Mineralogy of molybdenite-bearing quartz vein from Pohled quarry, Havlíčkův Brod Ore District (Czech Republic) A mineralogical study of a poorly mineralized quartz vein with macroscopic molybdenite, cutting biotite paragneisses in the Pohled quarry (Moldanubicum), revealed a very rich…Article PDF
- Article:Petrographic investigations of the sandstone of the Dhok Pathan Formation, South Eastern Hazara, North Pakistan, Implications for the Provenance (2023/1)Alam, I., Nazir-ur-Rehman, Afrasiab, Ullah, S., Azeem, M. W., Iqbal, S., Rehan, M. S., Khan, K., 2023: Petrographic investigations of the sandstone of the Dhok Pathan Formation, South Eastern Hazara, North Pakistan, Implications for the Provenance. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol, 108, 1, 127–140 (with Czech summary)Petrographic investigations of the sandstone of the Dhok Pathan Formation, South Eastern Hazara, North Pakistan, Implications for the Provenance In this study, the sandstone of the middle part of the Dhok Pathan Formation was studied in detail for the petrographic-based provenance at the…Article PDF
- Article:Early Cretaceous ammonite associations in the Western Carpathians (the Moravian-Silesian area and Western Slovakia) (2023/1)Vašíček, Z., 2023: Early Cretaceous ammonite associations in the Western Carpathians (the Moravian-Silesian area and Western Slovakia). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol, 108, 1, 107–125 (with Czech summary)Early Cretaceous ammonite associations in the Western Carpathians (the Moravian-Silesian area and Western Slovakia) From the geological point of view, the north-eastern part of the Czech Republic and the greater part of the neighbouring Slovakia are built by the Western Carpathian Mountains…Article PDF
- Article:Mineralogy of massive serpentine and clinochlore from the dolomitic marble of Moldanubicum in West Moravia (Bohemian Massif) (2023/1)Houzar, S., Sejkora, J., Malíková, R., 2023: Mineralogie masivního serpentinu a klinochloru z dolomitických mramorů moldanubika na západní Moravě (Český masiv). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 1, 57–78 (with English summary)Mineralogy of massive serpentine and clinochlore from the dolomitic marble of Moldanubicum in West Moravia (Bohemian Massif) Massive aggregates of yellow-green, grey-green and brown Mg-rich phyllosilicates occur in dolomite marbles enclosed in Moldanubian gneisses and especially migmatites…Article PDF
- Article:Mineralogical characteristics of phosphorites from carbonate breccias, Líšeň Formation near the village of Březina (the central part of the Moravian Karst) (2023/1)Buriánek, D., Baldík, V., Všianský, D., Diviš, K., Viktorín, T., 2023: Mineralogická charakteristika fosforitů z karbonátových brekcií z líšeňského souvrství u obce Březina (střední část Moravského krasu). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 1, 95–105 (with English summary)Mineralogical characteristics of phosphorites from carbonate breccias, Líšeň Formation near the village of Březina (the central part of the Moravian Karst) The concretions and angular clasts of phosphorites are hosted in the limestone breccia of the Tournaisian to Viséan age (Hostěnice…Article PDF
- Article:Petrography and mineralogy of the skarn body near Malešov (Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex, Czech Republic) (2023/1)Bubal, J., Dolejš, D., 2023: Petrografie a mineralogie skarnu od Malešova (kutnohorské krystalinikum, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 1, 79–93 (with English summary)Petrography and mineralogy of the skarn body near Malešov (Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex, Czech Republic) The skarn body near Malešov belongs to calcium-iron skarns with a typical Ca-Fe-Al mineral association. The Malešov skarn body is located in the structurally highest part of the…Article PDF
- Article:Mottramite from the gallery Elizabeth in Černý Důl in Krkonoše Mountains (Czech Republic) (2023/1)Pauliš, P., Sejkora, J., Janák, P., Dolníček, Z., Tásler, R., Pour, O., 2023: Mottramit ze štoly Alžběta v Černém Dole v Krkonoších (Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 1, 41–56 (with English summary)Mottramite from the gallery Elizabeth in Černý Důl in Krkonoše Mountains (Czech Republic) Rare Pb-Cu vanadate, mottramite, was found at samples from the gallery Elizabeth in Černý Důl, Krkonoše Mountains (Czech Republic). It forms yellow to yellow-orange coatings and thin crusts formed…Article PDF
- Article:Secondary bastnäsite-(Ce), bastnäsite-(La) and parisite-(Ce) from the Cínovec deposit – products of interaction of primary REE minerals with late low-temperature fluids (2023/1)Hreus, S., Cempírek, J., Breiter, K., Výravský, J., 2023: Sekundární bastnäsit-(Ce), bastnäsit-(La) a parisit-(Ce) z ložiska Cínovec – produkty interakce primárních REE minerálů s pozdními nízkoteplotními fluidy. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 1, 29–40 (with English summary)Secondary bastnäsite-(Ce), bastnäsite-(La) and parisite-(Ce) from the Cínovec deposit – products of interaction of primary REE minerals with late low-temperature fluids The Cínovec/Zinnwald is a world-class greisen-type Li-Sn-W-Nb-Ta deposit. The REE minerals as common accessories are…Article PDF
- Article:Gold and associated minerals from the Mír and Na barytě adits near Štěpánov nad Svratkou (Štěpánov Ore District, Czech Republic) (2023/1)Dolníček, Z., Krejčí Kotlánová, M., Koutňák, R., Ulmanová, J., Malý, K., 2023: Zlato a doprovodné minerály ze štoly Mír a ze štoly Na barytě u Štěpánova nad Svratkou (štěpánovský rudní revír, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 1, 17–28 (with English summary)Gold and associated minerals from the Mír and Na barytě adits near Štěpánov nad Svratkou (Štěpánov Ore District, Czech Republic) A mineralogical study of newly collected samples of Cu-Pb(-Zn) ore mineralization from the Mír and Na barytě adits in the Štěpánov Ore District (Czech…Article PDF
- Article:Characterization of tourmalines from albite unit of pegmatite dikes No. 5 and No. 8 at Dolní Bory – Hatě (2023/1)Mrkusová, E., Škoda, R., Haifler, J., Filip, J., Holá, M., 2023: Charakteristika turmalínů z albitové jednotky granitických pegmatitů žil č. 5 a č. 8 v Dolních Borech – Hatích. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 108, 1, 3–16 (with English summary)Characterization of tourmalines from albite unit of pegmatite dikes No. 5 and No. 8 at Dolní Bory – Hatě Tourmaline crystals from albite units of pegmatite dikes No. 5 and No. 8 at Dolní Bory – Hatě were in vestigated by electron microprobe, LA-ICP-MS, and Mössbauer spectroscopy…Article PDF
- Article:The Cenozoic sediments in the Holedná game reserve and their significance for archaeology (2022/2)Buriánek, D., Hubatka, F., Kirchner, K., Krejčí, O., Krejčí, V., Navrátil, A., 2022: Kenozoické sedimenty v Oboře Holedná a jejich význam pro archeologii. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 241–254 (with English summary)The Cenozoic sediments in the Holedná game reserve and their significance for archaeology The Cenozoic sediments partially cover crystalline rocks in the area of Holedná game reserve (Brno town, South Moravia). Holocene to Pleistocene eluvial and/or slope sediments and relics of Ottnangian…Article PDF
- Article:Toadstones and snake eyes from the Cabinet of Curiosities of the Strahov Monastery in Prague and from the former Imperial Collection in Vienna (2022/2)Gregorová, R., 2022: Toadstones and snake eyes from the Cabinet of Curiosities of the Strahov Monastery in Prague and from the former Imperial Collection in Vienna. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 287–299 (with Czech summary)Toadstones and snake eyes from the Cabinet of Curiosities of the Strahov Monastery in Prague and from the former Imperial Collection in Vienna Twelve button-like fossil teeth from the Cabinet of curiosities of Strahov Monastery in Prague and the former Imperial collection in Vienna are analysed.…Article PDF
- Article:The middle pleistocene sediments in northwestern part of Vidnava lowland (Paczków graben margin) – ground penetrating radar survey (2022/2)Hanáček, M., Procházková, B., Engel, Z., 2022: Sedimenty středního pleistocénu v severozápadní části Vidnavské nížiny (okraj Paczkówské kotliny) – georadarový výzkum. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 269–285 (with English summary)The middle pleistocene sediments in northwestern part of Vidnava lowland (Paczków graben margin) – ground penetrating radar survey The Vidnava Lowland in the northern Sudetic Foreland is characterized by extensive alluvial and fluvial sediments deposited during the Weichselian. Pre-Weichselian…Article PDF
- Article:Voclanoclastic horizon at Kladoruby near Letovice (Boskovice Basin) (2022/2)Jirásek, J., Matýsek, D., Štamberg, S., Šimíček, D., 2022: Vulkanoklastický horizont v Kladorubech u Letovic (Boskovická brázda). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 215–225 (with English summary)Voclanoclastic horizon at Kladoruby near Letovice (Boskovice Basin) The occurrence of volcaniclastic rock was confirmed for the second time within the Letovice Formation (Asselian to Artinskian?) of the Boskovice Basin. Volcaniclastics are reported from the Kladoruby locality near Letovice,…Article PDF
- Article:Mineral composition of laminated basalt metapyroclastics and marbles at the localities near Ochtiná (Slovak Republic) (2022/2)Ružička, P., Myšľan, P., 2022: Mineralne zloženie laminovanych bazaltovych metapyroklastik a mramorov na lokalitach v okoli Ochtinej (Slovenska republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 165–185 (with English summary)Mineral composition of laminated basalt metapyroclastics and marbles at the localities near Ochtiná (Slovak Republic) Basalt metapyroclastics at the localities Ochtina – Pod Vapnom and Ochtina – Hradok form laminated intercalations in marbles of the Borka nappe (Meliatic Unit), Western…Article PDF
- Article:Facies diversity of the Brno Jurassic from microfacies and microfauna point of view (2022/2)Bubík, M., 2022: Facies diversity of the Brno Jurassic from microfacies and microfauna point of view. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 227–239 (with Czech summary).Facies diversity of the Brno Jurassic from microfacies and microfauna point of view Denudation remnants of Upper Jurassic carbonates in Brno area were originally part of vast carbonate platform on the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif. High facies variability reflects original variable…Article PDF
- Article:Natrodufrénite from Vlastkovec near Slavonice, Moravia, Czech Republic (2022/2)Vrtiška, L., Malíková, R., Dolníček, Z., Sejkora, J., 2022: Natrodufrénit z Vlastkovce u Slavonic, Morava, Česká republika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 145–154 (with English summary)
Natrodufrénite from Vlastkovec near Slavonice, Moravia, Czech Republic
Secondary phosphate, natrodufrénite, was found on historical samples from Stříbrný vrch near Vlastkovec, Moravia (Czech Republic). Natrodufrénite forms crusts…
- Article:New knowledges on sulfosalt mineralization of the deposit Hůrky, Čistá-Jesenice Massif (Czech Republic) (2022/2)Sejkora, J., Pauliš, P., Dolníček, Z., Ulmanová, J., 2022: Nové poznatky o sulfosolové mineralizaci ložiska Hůrky v čistecko-jesenickém masivu (Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 127–143 (with English summary)New knowledges on sulfosalt mineralization of the deposit Hůrky, Čistá-Jesenice Massif (Czech Republic) New samples of hydrothermal sulfosalt mineralization were recently collected at the mine dump of the vein No. 1 of the abandoned small deposit Hůrky near Velká Chmelištná in the…Article PDF
- Article:Ilmenitite from a soapstone body on the Smrčina Hill near Sobotín (2022/2)Zimák, J., Hysek, L., 2022: Ilmenitit z krupníkového tělesa na Smrčině u Sobotína. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 155–164 (with English summary)Ilmenitite from a soapstone body on the Smrčina Hill near Sobotín One fragment of ilmenitite was found in heap material coming from a soapstone quarry on the Smrčina Hill near Sobotín in the Jeseníky Mts. The ilmenitite is composed predominatingly of ilmenite (approximately 70 to 80…Article PDF
- Article:Radioactivity of sedimentary rocks of the Ostrava Formation in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin and possible environmental risks (2022/2)Zimák, J., 2022: Radioaktivita sedimentů ostravského souvrství v české části hornoslezské pánve a možná environmentální rizika. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 203–214 (with English summary).Radioactivity of sedimentary rocks of the Ostrava Formation in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin and possible environmental risks The paper provides detailed information about natural radioactivity of sedimentary rocks of the Ostrava Formation in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian…Article PDF
- Article:Exceptional fossil record of the middle miocene mammals from the Czujan’s sandpit (Mikulov, Czech Republic) (2022/2)Březina, J., 2022: Výjimečný fosilní záznam střednomiocenních savců z lokality Czujanova pískovna (Mikulov, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 255–267 (with English summary)Exceptional fossil record of the middle miocene mammals from the Czujan’s sandpit (Mikulov, Czech Republic) Czujan’s sandpit (Mikulov=Nikolsburg, Czech Republic) was an important fossil site of middle Miocene mammals and reptiles, whose remains were found in several sedimentary infills…Article PDF
- Article:Interpretation of depositional environment and provenance of sedimentary rocks in the Výkleky Quarry (Moravice Formation, Nízký Jeseník Culm Basin) (2022/2)Šimíček, D., Kropáč, K., Lehotský, T., Kapusta, J., 2022: Interpretace depozičního prostředí a provenience sedimentů v lomu Výkleky (moravické souvrství, kulm Nízkého Jeseníku). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 2, 187–201 (with English summary)Interpretation of depositional environment and provenance of sedimentary rocks in the Výkleky Quarry (Moravice Formation, Nízký Jeseník Culm Basin) The five cores were drilled out in the Výkleky Quarry, in which sedimentary rocks of the Moravice Formation of the Nízký Jeseník Culm…Article PDF
- Article:Harrisonite, a rare silicate-phosphate from granitic pegmatites of the Bohemian Massif (2022/1)Vácha, J., Škoda, R., 2022: Harrisonite, a rare silicate-phosphate from granitic pegmatites of the Bohemian Massif. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol, 107, 1, 21–32 (with Czech summary)Harrisonite, a rare silicate-phosphate from granitic pegmatites of the Bohemian Massif Harrisonite, CaFe2+6(SiO4)2(PO4)2, is a rare silicate-phosphate described as a rock-forming mineral from highly metamorphosed garnetites…Article PDF
- Article:New finds of zeolite mineralization from the historical locality Janovice (Moravia, Czech Republic) (2022/1)Toman, J., Welser, P., Malíková, R., Vrtiška, L., Sejkora, J., Hrazdil, V., Malek, O., 2022: Nové nálezy zeolitové mineralizace z historické lokality Janovice (Morava, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 1, 3–20 (with English summary)New finds of zeolite mineralization from the historical locality Janovice (Moravia, Czech Republic) In 2019, new finds verified the occurrence of zeolite mineralization from the historical locality Janovice (Rábl quarry) and in its vicinity (occurrence in the field above the quarry). Until…Article PDF
- Article:Revision of historical samples of miesite in the mineralogical collection of the Moravian Museum in Brno: a contribution to the history of pyromorphite research (2022/1)Víšková, E., Bohatý, M., 2022: Revize historických vzorků miesitu v mineralogické sbírce Moravského zemského muzea v Brně: příspěvek k dějinám výzkumu pyromorfitu. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 1, 33–40 (with English summary)Revision of historical samples of miesite in the mineralogical collection of the Moravian Museum in Brno: a contribution to the history of pyromorphite research Revision of historical samples of miesite in the collection of the Mineralogy and Petrography Department of Moravian Museum, Brno,…Article PDF
- Article:Geological maps of Silesia and Kłodzko by Augustin Kaluža from 1818 (2022/1)Pošmourný, K., Houzar, S., 2022: Geologické mapy Slezska a Kladska od Augustina Kalužy z roku 1818. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol, 107, 1, 101–112 (with English and German summary)Geological maps of Silesia and Kłodzko by Augustin Kaluža from 1818 Geological maps of Silesia and Kłodzko, authored by Augustin Kaluža, are among the oldest geological maps in Central Europe. They are a set of four maps, which are an appendix to Kaluža’s work from 1818 with title…Article PDF
- Article:Squamates from the early Miocene (Aquitanian) of Weißenburg 6 (Bavaria, Germany) (2022/1)Paclík, V., Ivanov, M., 2022: Squamates from the early Miocene (Aquitanian) of Weißenburg 6 (Bavaria, Germany). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 1, 73–89 (with Czech summary)Squamates from the early Miocene (Aquitanian) of Weißenburg 6 (Bavaria, Germany) Squamate assemblages of the earliest Miocene (Aquitanian) are extremely rare in Europe due to the lack of well-documented (or dated) localities. We describe a small collection of squamates from the early Miocene…Article PDF
- Article:A pronounced diagenetic alteration of heavy minerals in sandstones from the locality Lukoveček (Rača Unit, Flysch Belt of the Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic) (2022/1)Dolníček, Z., Krejčí Kotlánová, M., 2022: Hluboká diagenetická alterace těžkých minerálů v pískovcích z lokality Lukoveček (račanská jednotka, flyšové pásmo Vnějších Západních Karpat, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 1, 53–72 (with English summary)A pronounced diagenetic alteration of heavy minerals in sandstones from the locality Lukoveček (Rača Unit, Flysch Belt of the Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic) An electron microprobe study was conducted on polished sections prepared from Upper Cretaceous-to-Paleogene sandstone…Article PDF
- Article:Early Miocene small mammal remains (Metatheria, Chiroptera, Eulipotyphla) from Mokrá-Quarry fissures (South Moravia, Czech Republic) – preliminary results (2022/1)Bonilla-Salomón, I., Čermák, S., Horáček, I., Ivanov, M., Sabol, M., 2022: Early Miocene small mammal remains (Metatheria, Chiroptera, Eulipotyphla) from Mokrá-Quarry fissures (South Moravia, Czech Republic) – preliminary results. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 1, 91–99 (with Czech summary)Early Miocene small mammal remains (Metatheria, Chiroptera, Eulipotyphla) from Mokrá-Quarry fissures (South Moravia, Czech Republic) – preliminary results Mokrá-Quarry (South Moravia, Czech Republic) constitutes a unique fossil site with an extraordinary diversity of vertebrate remains.…Article PDF
- Article:Mineralogy of titanite-rich nodules from biotite granite of Tábor Pluton (Moldanubicum, Dražičky near Tábor quarry, Central Bohemia) (2022/1)Buriánek, D., Houzar, S., 2022: Mineralogie titanitových nodulí z biotitického granitu táborského plutonu (moldanubikum, kamenolom Dražičky u Tábora, střední Čechy). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 107, 1, 41–51 (with English summary)Mineralogy of titanite-rich nodules from biotite granite of Tábor Pluton (Moldanubicum, Dražičky near Tábor quarry, Central Bohemia) The elongated body of biotite granite with titanite-rich nodules is situated on the contact of amphibole-biotite and amphibole-pyroxene melasyenites of…Article PDF
- Article:Provenance of gold in fluvial sediments from the streams situated northwest of the Brno-Žebětín (Moravia, Czech Republic) (2021/2)Buriánek, D., Provazník, J., Hršelová, P., Houzar, S., 2021: Provenience zlata ve fluviálních sedimentech potoků situovaných severozápadně od Brna-Žebětína (Morava, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 106, 2, 145–160 (with English summary)Provenance of gold in fluvial sediments from the streams situated northwest of the Brno-Žebětín (Moravia, Czech Republic) The main purpose of this paper was to study the heavy minerals and typomorphic features of placer gold in the central part of the Brno Massif (Brunovistulian Unit, Bohemian…Article PDF
- Article:Chemical variability of hancockite-epidote-epidote-(Sr) minerals from Franklin, Sussex, New Jersey, USA (2021/2)Gadas, P., Sypták, E., 2021: Chemická variabilita minerálů skupiny hancockit-epidot-epidot-(Sr) z Franklinu, Sussex, New Jersey, USA. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 106, 2, 135–144 (with English summary)Chemical variability of hancockite-epidote-epidote-(Sr) minerals from Franklin, Sussex, New Jersey, USA Epidote-group minerals from Franklin Sussex, New Jersey, USA, rich in Pb, Sr and Mn were studied in detail using electron microprobe. In a metamorphosed rock composed of epidote group minerals,…Article PDF
- Article:Minerals of the baryte-celestine series from the limestone quarry near Nectava (Nectava Crystalline Complex, Czech Republic) (2021/2)Dolníček, Z., Krejčí Kotlánová, M., 2021: Minerály řady baryt-celestin z vápencového lomu u Nectavy (nectavské krystalinikum, Česká republika). – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 106, 2, 125–133 (with English summary)Minerals of the baryte-celestine series from the limestone quarry near Nectava (Nectava Crystalline Complex, Czech Republic) The second occurrence of celestine in Moravia, which was discovered in an abandoned limestone quarry near Nectava, is described in this contribution. The accessory…Article PDF
- Editorial:Corrigendum to: “Novotný, F., Cempírek, J., 2021: Mineralogy of the elbaite-subtype pegmatite from Dolní Rožínka. – Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae geologicae, 106, 1, 3–33.“ (2021/2)Novotný, F., Cempírek, J., 2021: Corrigendum pro článek: „Novotný, F., Cempírek, J., 2021: Mineralogie elbaitového pegmatitu z Dolní Rožínky. – Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae geologicae, 106, 1, 3–33.“. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 106, 2, 209–211