• Článek:
    Neogenní savci z okolí Mikulova (2019/2)
    Březina, J., 2019: Neogenní savci z okolí Mikulova. – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 104, 2, 217–239 (with English summary)
    Neogene mammals of the Mikulov area Neogene terrestrial vertebrates occur only rarely in the Moravian part of Central Paratethys, and usually derive from poorly known localities or localities that are currently lost. As such, their study can be very difficult. Interestingly, new finds are…
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  • Článek:
    Předběžné výsledky výzkumu neogenních obratlovců z lokality Mokrá-lom (2004/1–2)
    Ivanov, M., Musil, R., 2004: Předběžné výsledky výzkumu neogenních obratlovců z lokality Mokrá-lom. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 89, 1–2, 223–236 (with English summary)
    Preliminary results of investigation of Neogene vertebrates from the Mokrá-Quarry site The westernmost part of the Mokrá-Quarry is typical with occurrences of carstic phenomena including fossiliferous sediments within carstic fissures. Two fossiliferous carstic fissures (1/2001; 2/2003)…
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