Korundový pegmatit z Pokojovic u Třebíče, Česká republika (1993/1–2)Trnka, M., Houzar, S., 1993: Corundum-bearing pegmatite from Pokojovice near Třebíč, Czech Republic. - Acta Mus. Moraviae., Sci. Nat., 78, 1-2, 3-12 (with Czech summary)
Corundum-bearing pegmatite from Pokojovice near Třebíč, Czech Republic
The Pokojovice corundum-bearing pegmatite is found in the varied group of Moravian Moldanubicum. It forms a discordant dike, up to 2 m thick, penetrating amphibolite with thin layers of calcite marble, and skarn-like…
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