Sekundární minerály uranu ze Zálesí a Horních Hoštic v Rychlebských horách, severní Morava

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Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat. 69 (1984), vydání 1–2, stránky 7-35

Secondary minerals of uranium from Zálesí and Horní Hoštice in the Rychlebské hory mts., Northern Moravia

A set of secondary minerals of uranium from Zálesí and Horní Hoštice in the Rychlebské hory Mts., Northern Moravia is described in the present paper. Studtite, becquerelite, wölsendorfite, fourmarierite, masuyite, uranophane, beta-uranophane, kasolite, parsonsite, autunite, metaautunite, torbernite, metatorbernite, zeunerite, metazaunerite, uranospinite, metauranospinite, novačekite II, metanovačekite, tyuyamunite and metatyuyamunite have been determined using chiefly X-ray analysis and infrared absorption spectroscopy, Northern Tracor TN 2000 analysator (EDAX) and optical study too. Several mineral assemblages of secondary minerals of uranium have been distinguished in the localities: oxide-silicate, phosphate-silicate, phosphate (metatorbernite), arsenate I, arsenate II and silicate one.


Zdeněk Mrázek, Katedra mineralogie, VŠCHT, Praha
Milan Novák, Mineralogicko-petrografické oddělení, Moravské muzeum, Brno

Mrázek, Z., Novák, M., 1984: Sekundární minerály uranu ze Zálesí a Horních Hoštic v Rychlebských horách, severní Morava. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Nat., 69, 1–2, 7–35 (with English summary)
ISSN: 1211–8796