Pleistocenní kryogenní procesy na vrcholové části Stránské skály v Brně a jejich paleoklimatický význam
Článek v PDFActa Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol. 86 (2001), vydání 1–2, stránky 183-189
Pleistocene cryogene processes on the summit of the Stránská skála Hill in Brno and their palaeoclimatic significance
Many archaeological investigations on the summit of the NW part of the Stránská skála Hill have been done in last years. Below the youngest Vistulian loess Pleniglacial frost phenomena (especially gelifluction and cryoturbation) are common, indicating cold environment. It is supposed that the MAAT during longer period of the coldest climate in the Vistulian Pleniglacial in upland areas of South Moravia could have been up to -5 °C. MAAT at Stránská skála during short episodes is estimated to have reached as much as about -8 °C.
Tadeáš Czudek, Gorkého 44, 602 00 Brno
Czudek, T., 2001: Pleistocenní kryogenní procesy na vrcholové části Stránské skály v Brně a jejich paleoklimatický význam. - Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. Geol., 86, 1-2, 183-189 (with English summary)ISSN: 1211–8796