Nový nález huntitu u Hrubšic na západní Moravě a otázka jeho vzniku
Článek v PDFNew find of huntite at Hrubšice, Western Moravia (Czech Republic) and Question of its Genesis
In the Biskoupky serpentinite body (Western Moravia, Czech Republic) an older find of huntite from 1981 was confirmed. The mineral occurs in an active quarry „U Pustého mlýna“ near Hrubšice in the fissures of serpentinite rock in the shallow weathering zone close to present surface. In contrast of its first find huntite forms pseudomorphs after unknown mineral, possibly hydromagnesite. This discovery helps to solve the question of its local genesis. New X-ray powder data and chemical analysis specified data published previously. Its local occurence is compared with other finds from the world.
Jakub Jirásek, Institute of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Vysoká škola báňská – Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/ 2172, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic, e-mail: