Mylonitizace a chemické složení metagranitů ve vrtu Do-7, oskavská kra, silezikum
Článek v PDFMylonitisation and chemical composition of metagranites, the borehole Do-7, Oskava block, Silesicum
Mylonitisation and changes in chemical composition of metagranites were studied in the bore hole D0-7 situated in the Oskava block (southern Silesicum). Relatively undeformed domains are prevailing, mylonites and ultramylonites are exposed only in narrow shear zones with a thickness varying from millimetres to tens of metres. Brittle deformation of feldspars and brittle – ductile deformation of quartz point to low grade conditions of mylonitisation. Chemical changes in metagranites are influenced by the primary composition of primary rocks and hydrotermal alteration.
Pavel Hanžl, Kristýna Buriánková, Czech Geological Survey, Leitnerova 22, 65869 Brno, Czech Republic
Petr Mixa, Šumperská 132,790 01 Jeseník, Czech Republic