Mokerská plošina a přilehlé údolí Říčky: Vývoj říční sítě a krasových jevů v kenozoiku
Článek v PDFMokrá Plateau and Contiguous Valley of Říčka Creek: Development of Drainage Pattern and Karstic Features in Cenozoic
The surface of the Mokrá Plateau (southern part of the Moravian Karst) is an old relief formed before the Badenian transgression. The whole area is intensively karstified; most of the underground phenomena are developed close to its northern and western borders. The region was uplifted in the Late Oligocene and after the Badenian regression, when drainage pattern changed. Despite the relatively small area of the Mokrá Plateau, its importance can be demonstrated by the successive presence of lacustrine sediments with paleontological finds from Ottnangian (MN 4), cave fluvial sediments of Neogene age, fluvial sediments of the river delta of Lower Badenian, marine sediments from Lower Langhian, (M 5), sediments of the terra rossa type from the Middle Pleistocene, and Quaternary loess and fossil soils. Using all the available data, the gradual development of Mokrá Plateau and the Hostěnice Valley during Neogene and Quaternary was reconstructed, showing the complex history of the area.
Rudolf Musil, Department of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kolářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic. E-mail: