Korundový pegmatit z Pokojovic u Třebíče, Česká republika
Článek v PDFActa Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Nat. 78 (1993), vydání 1–2, stránky 3-12
Corundum-bearing pegmatite from Pokojovice near Třebíč, Czech Republic
The Pokojovice corundum-bearing pegmatite is found in the varied group of Moravian Moldanubicum. It forms a discordant dike, up to 2 m thick, penetrating amphibolite with thin layers of calcite marble, and skarn-like rocks. The pegmatite is composed of three different units:
- Pyroxene pegmatite (K-feldspar + Fe-diopside + plagioclase + titanite ± quartz ± amphibole ± biotite).
- Biotite pegmatite (K-fefdspar + biotite + plagioclase).
- Corundum pegmatite (K-feldspar + corundum + plagioclase + biotite ± muscovite ± tourmaline).
The geological position, as well as the mineral and chemical composition of pegmatite and the surrounding rocks are described. The paper also discusses conditions of the corundum formation.
Milan Trnka, Lithos Ltd, Strnadova 9, 62800 Brno, Czech Republic
Stanislav Houzar, Západomoravské muzeum, Zámek I, 67401 Třebíč, Czech Republic
Trnka, M., Houzar, S., 1993: Corundum-bearing pegmatite from Pokojovice near Třebíč, Czech Republic. - Acta Mus. Moraviae., Sci. Nat., 78, 1-2, 3-12 (with Czech summary)Klíčová slova:
amphibolite, corundurn, Czech Republic, mineralogy, Moldanubicum, pegmatite, Western MoraviaISSN: 1211–8796