Fosilní rybí fauna (Teleostei, Selachii) z dynówských slínovců menilitového souvrství (rupel, NP 23) na lokalitě Litenčice (Česká republika)

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Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. Geol. 96 (2011), vydání 2, stránky 3-33

Fossil fish fauna (Teleostei, Selachii) from the Dynów marlstone (Rupelian, NP 23) of the Menilitic Formation at the locality of Litenčice (Czech Republic)

A complete faunal list of the fish fauna (Selachii, Teleostei) from the Dynów marsltone (NP23) of the Menilitic Formation at the locality of Litenčice is presented. The records consist of representatives of four shark families: Cetorhinidae (Cetorhinus parvus LERICHE, 1910), Odontaspidae (? Carcharias sp.), Squalidae (Squalus cf. alsaticus (ANDREAE, 1892)) and Alopiidae (Alopias exigua (PROBST, 1879)). The teleosts are represented by the families Clupeidae (Clupea sardinites (HECKEL, 1850)), Osmeridae (Glossanodon musceli (PAUCĂ, 1929)), Gonostomatidae (Scopeloides glarisianus (AGASSIZ, 1844)), Photichthyidae (Vinciguerria obscura (DANILTSHENKO, 1946)), Myctophidae (Oligophus moravicus (PAUCĂ, 1931)), Trichiuridae (Anenchelum glarisianum BLAINVILLE, 1818), Euzaphlegidae (Palimphyes sp.), Zeidae (Zenopsis clarus DANILTSHENKO, 1960), Trachichthyidae (Gephyroberyx cf. darvinii (JOHNSON, 1866)), Scopthalmidae (Scopthalmus stamatini (PAUCĂ, 1931)), Triglidae gen. indet., and Scombridae (Scomber sp.). Bird, turtle and heteropteran remains were also recorded in the assemblage (MS. in preparation). Palaeo-ecological analysis reveals a preponderance of mesopelagic and benthopelagic representatives. Scopeloides glarisianus (24%), Oligophus moravicus (21%), Anenchelum glarisianum (18%), Vinciguerria obscura (15%), Glossanodon musceli (15%) are statistically the most frequent taxa. Among the localities of the province of Moravia, the Litenčice assemblage constitutes the most diversified fauna.


Růžena Gregorová, Moravian Museum, Department of Geology and Palaeontology, Zelný trh 6, 659 37 Brno, Czech Republic, e-mail:

Gregorová, R., 2011: Fossil fish fauna (Teleostei, Selachii) from the Dynów marlstone (Rupelian, NP 23) of the Menilitic Formation at the locality of Litenčice (Czech Republic). – Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol., 96, 2, 3–33 (with Czech summary)
ISSN: 1211–8796